How to use our testnet. 1) You will need a wallet, metamask is good enough for this propose.

20 Mar 2023, 08:56
How to use our testnet 1) You will need a wallet, metamask is good enough for this propose. If you feel more comfortable create a new wallet for this test. 2) Add Polygon Mumbai testnet to your wallet. For this you need go to . In search networks (don't forget to include testnets) type: Polygon. Click on Mumbai add to metamask. Then click on connect wallet. 3) To take the test you will need some test Matic tokens to pay for the transfer gas fee. Go to . There, you will select Mumbai and after that, paste your wallet address. Click on submit and then on confirm. After that you shall be able to see your Matic tokens on you wallet! 4) Now you will need some Acria test tokens to bridge them after. To receive them in your wallet go to . After that paste your wallet address and confirm. 5) Add you Acria test tokens to your wallet as you use to import any other token. Its contract number is 0x141B3D2EB39e841BCd278F1425E8Daa4C15F4e6A After doing this you will be able to see your Acria's balance on your wallet at Mumbai testnet. 6) Now you will need to add Acria intellichain to your wallet. For doing this go to . In the page go to the footer and click on Add Acria Intellichain TEST. Then authorize to change the Chain. 7) Now let's bridge your tokens from Mumbai testnet to Intellichain test. First go to your wallet and change from Acria Intellichain test to Mumbai testnet. After doing this you will be able to see your balance on Acria and Matic on Mumbai testnet. Go to and type how many tokens you wanna send from Polygon Mumbai to Acria Intellichain. Click on transfer and then confirm. After that you will see a confirmation message and you will be able to see your Acria test tokens on Intellichain in your wallet, for that you just need change from Mumbai to Intellichain. PAY ATTENTION!!! All this is very important because in the future we may need to bridge our tokens from Ethereum Main Network to Intellichain, so we will be able to do It.