Big AMA. 1) If Acria is going to be a Smart Chain, will there be a new coin. What will happen to Acria tokens. Still ERC20.

16 Jan 2023, 15:44
Big AMA 1) If Acria is going to be a Smart Chain, will there be a new coin? What will happen to Acria tokens? Still ERC20? - There will not be a new token, it will be the main Acria token. We will bridge it πŸ’ͺ 2) When do you intend an Acria Launch on a Top 10 Exchange? Until July 2023? - That might take some time, but we are working on it 🎊 3) I want to launch some NFT on Acria's marketplace, is It possible today? How Can I do it? The NFT minted there, will be they stored like blockships? - You can sell NFTs on the Acria Marketplace - It is not like Blockships, the platform works like Opensea. 4) When will we have access to our own mainnet? - The testnet will be live this month βœ… The mainnet will be live until this summer. 5) When will we have access to the codes of this Blockchain to build? What language code will it be in, similar to those in the crypto market today? - It is EVM compatible and it is based on Polygon. You can write your own smart contracts in solidity like on Ethereum πŸ’― 6) Are there any behind-the-scenes efforts taking place at this time to attract new developers to build dapps and applications on the mainnet? - Yes we are working on programs for that. We will announce that before the main net goes live 😎 8) With the arrival of the mainnet, as we already have the oracle, what will be the main focus of the project? In other words, who will be the flagship within the ACRIA ecosystem?" - It is a combination of our ecosystem: We have our own smart chain, our oracle solution, our NFT marketplace… We will then focus on the product that performs best πŸ“ˆ 9) In you opinion what's the biggest advantage in Acria got its own blockchain? - There are cheaper fees and we have higher throughput. - We can customize our own chain to the needs of the Acria ecosystem. 10) AINF will come to life this year? Before or after July? - One day it will surprise us all, it will be wonderful. Wait for it, it is a surprise πŸ… 11) let's imagine the project is a house that you are building. What stage of construction are we in? do we raise the walls? are we covering the house? or are we already finishing? - We have the first five floors built out and are now working on the next 35 floors. We want to become a skyscaper in the Blockchain scene that everyone around the world can see. We need to get as high as possible, so they notice the Acria Tower πŸŒƒ 12) When we can start staking Acria? - When the main net is launched. You will have to operate your own node πŸ‘ 13) Acria intends some partnership with AI project? - Yes we are working on it β˜‘